Plastic surgeon in lahore

Facelift Question

When can you return to work?
The return to work and social activity is usually possible after the third postoperative week. In some cases it could be a little later,
What specific risks does the facelift present?
In all aesthetic surgery, it is vital to put yourself in the hands of a good specialist to avoid risks and specific problems.
The risks of any intervention under anesthesia are:
Reactions to medication.
Respiratory problems.

We can be allergic to medication, so a good clinical history is required. The most common are complications due to hemostasis or excessive flaking of the flaps. Although it is extremely rare, it is possible to bleed postoperatively, having to revise it in the operating room to control and drain the blood collection. Another possibility is hematoma (5%) seromas, and thrombosis . The loss of sensitivity is common, although temporary. There is also a risk of excessive scarring both internally and externally.
Additional risks:
Injuries to the facial nerves, with paralysis that is often transient.
Emergence of bruises under the skin , which must be drained.
facelift with liposucton 

Do you have to wait to dye your hair? How long?
You can not dye your hair for up to four weeks after treatment.

Can you use hair dryers, hair straighteners, tongs or other gadgets that emit heat?
You can not use hairdryers or make strong brushes , as well as other articles that emit heat.

 Is it necessary to be careful with the gesticulation or is it recommended some type of facial gymnastics?
You should not frown during the first two weeks.

Also you have to avoid:

Twist the head without moving the neck.
Make movements or facial gestures very accentuated.
Hard foods to chew. Drink with a straw the first two days.
Yawn with the mouth very open the first days.
Wear clothes that you have to wear for the head up to ten days after surgery.
Is it better to sleep on your side to avoid supporting your face, smoking, exposure to the sun or cold, physical activity ...?
It is advisable to always sleep with your head straight and not on your side, in order not to support your face.
You should not do athletic activities or exercises that involve neck and head movements until at least six weeks after treatment.
Smoking can lead to poor quality scars. The scars widen more than in non-smokers. Therefore you should avoid this habit.
You should avoid sudden changes in temperature and expose yourself to the sun at least during the eight months after lifting.
in facelift surgery belpharoplasty is also done


Who are the ideal candidates for a tummy tuck?

The ideal candidates for a tummy tuck are those men or women who have a weight within normal , but for different reasons have an excess of abdominal or skin fat and musculature in the weakened area.
If you have an obesity problem, tummy tuck is not the solution, and other measures will be necessary.

What are the risks of a cosmetic surgery of the abdomen?

The aesthetic surgery of the abdomen is a safe procedure that performed in the hands of experts do not have to pose any disorder. This does not mean that any infection or mild complications can occur, but that they usually have a solution and can be treated.
In general, if you follow the instructions of the plastic surgeon who has operated on us, the postoperative period will be normal .

How long is the recovery?

The recovery of a tummy tuck involves feeling some discomfort and pain temporarily. You will have to maintain a drain for a few days to eliminate the liquid from the wound. Also, for a while you should avoid sudden movements.
The sutures are removed after approximately two weeks.
Afterwards, it is advisable to walk gently to prevent blood clots from forming in the legs and relieve possible inflammations.
How can the figure be maintained after this operation?
The ideal to make the results of a tummy tuck lasting and maintain the figure is to do an exercise routine and perform some type of physical activity. Likewise diet is key , so we need to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

implansts surgery

How long will I have to wear the special girdle?

The special girdle after a buttock augmentation has to be worn for about three or four weeks after surgery.

When can I go back to physical exercise?

At least in five or six weeks it will not be possible to carry out exercise that involves the treated area.
Nor can injections be given in this part, at least until the doctor tells us.first liposuction is done for inserting implansts

When will I appreciate the first results?

The change in the gluteals after an implant is placed is evident. It is appreciated in a short time . In those people who lacked some projection or volume the effect is very striking and satisfying.

Will the scar be seen?

The incision is made in the intergluteal fold, so that it is hardly seen. However, over time, brands tend to become less visible.

What are the main risks of gluteoplasty?

As with any surgical intervention, buttock augmentation can lead to some complication.
Buttock implants can move and cause asymmetry in the buttocks, although this is not common because they are located above the area where we support the gluteus when sitting, so this risk is minimized.
Sometimes an infection or excessive pain can occur. In both cases, the cosmetic surgeon will tell you how to proceed. implants also used for male breast and for female breast augmentation surgery 


Do I have to diet after this cosmetic surgery?

A liposuction removes some fat cells from the body, but it is not an option to solve the problem of overweight. Nor does it modify the metabolism. However, it is always advisable to take care of the diet and try to eat a balanced diet. It is healthy eating to maintain as much as possible the stylized figure that has been achieved with liposuction. Face lift surgery is also done with liposuction

Is it possible to fatten later?

The extraction of adipocytes that is performed in a liposuction is not a guarantee for not taking weight later. Moreover, if after this intervention we do not take care of the diet and do not carry out a routine of physical activity, it is probable that the remaining fat cells of the organism will develop and contribute to an increase in weight. 
If this is not put into practice it is likely that some patients experience an increase in fat in areas of the body where they previously did not have it. Those who achieve more satisfactory results are those who use this treatment as a stimulus to modify their eating habits and exercise.

Is there a limit on fat extraction?

Yes, there is a limit when extracting fat and it is determined by the weight of the patient. In total, it is possible to extract up to 10% of the weight of the person who undergoes this procedure.
The condition of the skin and its quality are also evaluated, so that those less elastic or more flaccid, involve a lesser extraction.Our plastic surgeon also done breast reduction surgery with liposuction

Can cellulite be removed with liposuction?

With liposuction the appearance of cellulite can be attenuated, but it is not a treatment intended for this purpose. Cellulite is a complex problem that appears due to various factors such as genetics, age, circulatory disorders or skin type, among others. Through this technique we eliminate fat and therefore it is possible to experience some improvement, but cellulite will remain equally.

Are scars left?

One of the advantages of liposuction is that it is a cosmetic surgery that leaves no scars. The cannulas are introduced by means of minimal incisions of about 3 mm approximately, and therefore hardly any visible marks remain. Before for gland removal surgery liposuction is also gone for gynecomsatia

When can the exercise be resumed?

Physical activity after a liposuction has to be resumed in a slow and regimented way. Normally moderate walks are recommended three or four days after the intervention.
After two weeks the activity levels may be increased, although it is not advisable to carry out vigorous and intense exercises at least during the first month.


Does it eliminate crow's feet?

The blepharoplasty is not a cosmetic surgery to correct crow's feet. However, it can be combined with other aesthetic medicine treatments, such as dermal fillers, botulinum toxin, peeling , etc., which diminish facial wrinkles.

If I have vision problems can I have a blepharoplasty?

Common vision problems are not an impediment to blepharoplasty . However, if you have an eye problem such as dry eye or have suffered glaucoma or retinal detachment, among other disorders, it will be necessary to communicate.
In these cases, the cosmetic surgeon will explain how to proceed.

Can eyelid surgery affect vision?

When a blepharoplasty is practiced the eyeball is protected with special lenses that prevent possible damage to the area.
After the operation there may be some discomfort due to the swelling or the creams that are used, but soon they will subside.

If I wear contact lenses when I can use them again?

The usual thing is that after about 15 days after the operation we can use the contact lenses again. In general, each patient is different and the evolution of inflammation after eyelid surgery will depend in large part on how we take care of ourselves.

Are the dark circles resolved?

The dark circles arise mainly from an alteration in skin pigmentation. For this reason, blepharoplasty is not an option to eliminate dark circles. Even so, it helps to improve its appearance, since it stretches the skin that surrounds them.

Are scars left?

The cosmetic surgeon always seeks the most beneficial result for the patient. In the case of blepharoplasty , the incisions are made following the natural folds or the edges around the eyes. In this way, the scars will hardly be visible.

How long do the results of a blepharoplasty last?

Eyelid surgery offers stable and long-lasting results. The appearance after a blepharoplasty is more youthful and will last for many years.
We must bear in mind that aging is inevitable and over the years also affects our external image. The habits of each person and the characteristics of their skin will also influence.

face filler

In what area of ​​the face is dermabrasion more effective?

The dermabrasion can be applied to any area of ​​the face that you want to improve. It is used, above all, to address the fine wrinkles that surround the mouth, but also for those that arise around the eyelids and on the cheeks.

Scars or acne marks can be treated anywhere, regardless of the area where they are located inside the facial oval.

With what other aesthetic techniques can be combined?

Actually the different aesthetic procedures can be combined without any inconvenience. In the case of facial dermobrasion, the most common is to complement it with a laser treatment or chemical peel.

These two methods are used for the elimination of spots or scars and to alleviate wrinkles, and together with dermabrasion achieve excellent results.

Is it a painful cosmetic surgery?

When the effects of anesthesia are low, you will not feel any pain. Once at home you may experience some pain or itching in the area. However, our experts will tell you what to do or do in each case.

This type of discomfort are quite common after a cosmetic surgery to be characteristic and in no case should alarm you, because they will disappear in a few days.

How will my skin be after?

The first thing you will see is that the skin tone after the dermabrasion is red or has a pinkish appearance. Little by little the color will be normalized, when the new skin has completely regenerated. It is possible that after a few weeks the tonality is even whiter than before the intervention.

In the end, the effects that we will notice is that we will have a smoother and smoother skin, with fewer wrinkles or less visible. Our scars will be less defined and we will show a fresher and more youthful appearance.

Will I have to repeat?

In some cases, the approach of some scars needs a double intervention. If we have not managed to correct the main defect in a single phase, it is feasible to perform a second dermabrasion.

This can not be done immediately. It is necessary to pass a time that can vary between six months and the year.

How should I take care of my skin?

The skin after a dermabrasion must be taken care of with great care. For a while it will be necessary to bring some dressings that will fall after a few days.

You should avoid sun exposure and you will have to use a moisturizer as well as protect yourself from the sun.

This protection will have to be maintained for a few months, as will be indicated by the plastic surgeon.

facelift surgery risk

Who can do a facial liftig?

Anyone who wishes to eliminate the signs of age and have a good general state of health, can do a face lift.

Is a facelift possible at age 30?

Age is not the most important factor for a lifting facia l. There are people who show the passage of time before others. However, the most frequent age range in which it is practiced is between 40 and 50 years.

It is also possible to do a lifting at 20 or 30 years, although in these cases it is generally used for the correction of hereditary defects.

Will all the wrinkles be removed?

Thanks to the facelift technique, it   is possible to look rejuvenated and more radiant. With this aesthetic surgery we eliminate excess fat, remodel the muscles and facial tissue, and reduce the sagging of the cheeks and jaws.

In general, the patient will present a less tired appearance, but not all the signs of aging are eliminated.

For this reason, the  facelift is  usually combined with other rejuvenation treatments such as blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery.

It is painful?

The facelift surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia and only in very specific cases, is local. So during the process you will not experience any discomfort.

After the intervention you will feel moderate pain, especially the first few days. There is some inflammation and bruising, which will subside over time.

Do you notice the facelift scars?

Cosmetic surgeons always analyze where to make the incisions, thus seeking that effectiveness and discretion form a perfect symbiosis.

The natural lines of the face are usually respected, following the folds of the ear or above the hairline.

In a short time the scars of the lifting will hardly be visible.

How long does results last?

We can not fool ourselves, the passage of time is inevitable and aging is an irreversible process. However, what is clear is that by doing a facelift we will make the passage of time on our face less obvious.

The duration of the results of a face lift depends on different elements such as the genetics of the skin of each person, the care we perform, if we are smokers or drink alcohol or age, among others.

Otoplasty risk

Frequent questions

At what age can a child have an operation on the ears?
The otoplasty can be made from the approximately 6 years. At this age the ear is almost developed like an adult's. This does not mean that if you have a significant disorder you can not operate before.

Between 5 and 6 years, the child has a greater capacity for understanding and this facilitates the smooth running of the procedure.

What are the risks of an otoplasty?

This operation  has associated a series of risks. It is a simple intervention, but it should always be practiced by an expert in cosmetic surgery. Putting ourselves in the hands of a professional is always a guarantee.

Likewise, to avoid complications, it must be performed in a safe environment, such as a hospital center.

Can I lose my hearing with an otoplasty?

Ear surgery does not cause hearing loss or affect ear functions

Will I have to wear a band or bandage on my head?
After an otoplasty it is necessary to wear a padded bandage for about a week. This bandage is placed to promote healing and protect the area at bedtime.

After a few days it will be replaced by an elastic band that will have to be worn at night for one or three months.

Will the scars be seen?

The scars are behind the ears so they will not be appreciated. Over time they will disappear until they are barely visible.

Are the final results?

The changes produced after this procedure are visible about a week after the operation. When the inflammation disappears completely we can enjoy our new appearance, being the final result.
Postoperative Otoplasty
After the intervention a padded bandage is placed in the area. This measure is adopted so that the healing is carried out correctly and to try to reduce inflammation. With the bandage we protect the ears especially while we sleep.

After a few days, the initial bandage is replaced by an elastic band. This should be used mainly at night for between one and three months. The cosmetic surgeon will give us the pertinent guidelines for its proper use.

The incorporation to the school or to the work, can be in a week approximately. However, it will be necessary to limit activities that may damage the area. Especially sports practices that are too rough or that could harm that part.

Definitive results
The result of this plastic surgery can be considered definitive around three months. The scar, being behind the ear, will not be visible and anger will disappear with time.

With otoplasty the appearance that we obtain is definitive, our ears are modified permanently.

Rhinoplasty risk

Who can have their nose operated?

People who undergo rhinoplasty usually do so for two reasons: aesthetic or functional .

Aesthetic reasons usually related to the size and the shape of the nose,  and so patients who choose nose surgery to improve their appearance strengthen their self - esteem. The change they experience motivates them and they are satisfied physically and psychologically.

In a similar way it happens with those who decide to have rhinoplasty because they do not breathe properly or have had an accident. The results provide relief and tranquility to the patient.

 At what age can a rhinoplasty be done?

Normally if the patient wishes to have a rhinoplasty for aesthetic reasons, it is advisable to wait until the age of 18. From this age, the body has already been completely formed and is ideal.

However, if there are other reasons such as functional or fractures or accidents, it is the doctor who should assess how to act. Ask us if you have any questions.

 Is nose surgery painful?

In this intervention local or general anesthesia is used , according to each case. In both situations no discomfort is experienced, because the plastic surgeon puts all the means so that the patient is comfortable.

After a rhinoplasty you can suffer some mild or moderate discomfort for a few days. This is controlled with analgesics. If the pains were intense, they would be treated with another specific treatment.

 What happens after the intervention?

After a  nose surgery it  is possible that in some patients bruises appear around the eyes. This is due to internal bleeding, but usually not serious and remit after about ten days. It is normal and should not alarm.


Is there a visible scar?

The scars of rhinoplasty  are barely noticeable. In closed rhinoplasty the incision is made inside the nostrils, so the scar is not seen.

In  open rhinoplasty  , a cut is also made in the columella, which is the skin that stops both nostrils. It usually heals with good results and in most people there remains a very thin scar that is barely noticeable.

When can I make a normal life?

On the second day you can return to a normal life, although the reincorporation to the activity must be gradual, without haste.

Keep in mind that the first days after a  nose surgery  the face will be inflamed. We will take a splint and paper tape over a period of time. For this reason, the incorporation into working life can be extended to approximately 10 days.

 Why do we have to wait a year for the final results?

The  rhinoplasty  is a  cosmetic plastic surgery  altering the tissue of the nose and surrounding areas. Therefore, it is normal for inflammation to appear. This is really a natural response of the organism and indicates that the healing process has begun. The initial swelling will disappear in one or two weeks, but a milder one that can last up to a year will probably be underneath.

This is the main reason why it is recommended to judge the final results of a rhinoplasty after at least one year.

Breast Augmentation

Frequent questions

Is breast reconstruction done at the same time as removal?
Although breast reconstruction can be performed at the same time as mastectomy, this is not always the case. Breast reconstruction surgery can be done at any time after breast removal.

There are women who decide to wait a while, due to emotional issues or health-related aspects that may interfere, for example, in healing.

The best thing is to consult all the possibilities and let yourself be advised by the team of experts that is treating us.

Does this procedure intervene in other cancer treatments?

No scientific evidence linking breast reconstruction with cancer recurrence has been found. Generally, this procedure does not interfere with any treatment following the removal of the breast, such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Will I recover the sensitivity of the breast?
It is possible to recover the sensibility after a breast reconstruction after a mastectomy. The process is slow and may not notice anything until the year, and it is likely that the touch is not the same. Everything depends on each patient.

Does radiotherapy influence breast reconstruction?

Radiotherapy can condition breast reconstruction when deciding on one technique or another. In these cases it is usual to resort to procedures that involve the use of tissues from other body parts.

This is because the skin is sensitive to the effects of radiotherapy, showing less elasticity. Therefore, it is necessary to relax it or replace it with another that is more flexible.

What differences will there be between the reconstructed breast and the natural breast?
Breast reconstruction surgery is very effective and usually the shape and symmetry of the breast removed is recovered in such a way that the change is hardly appreciated. Finding the symmetry between both breasts is one of the priority objectives of plastic surgeons.

In the same way, modifications can also be made to the other breast in which case the patient so wishes or if necessary.

  Does breast reconstruction affect the ability to check if breast cancer has returned?

Several studies have shown that breast reconstruction does not mean an increase in cancer reproducing again. Nor does it imply that it is more difficult to control possible recurrences through mammography.
Procedure in breast reconstruction

How to plan this surgery?

Breast reconstruction can be considered from the moment cancer is diagnosed. It is best that the general surgeon or gynecologist / oncologist and plastic surgeon, agree and plan what is the best strategy for reconstruction is performed under the best conditions.

After evaluating the health status of the patient, we proceed to explain what are the reconstructive options available, and which is the most appropriate depending on age, anatomy, tissues, and particular objectives.


Both the oncologist and we will tell you the specific instructions on how to prepare breast reconstruction surgery. In addition, we give you fasting guidelines, guides on habits such as smoking, and instructions on the intake of medicines and vitamins.

It is important that the first two or three days are accompanied by a responsible adult, in order to meet the possible needs that may arise in the postoperative period.

 Types of anesthesia

The first part of the reconstruction, that is, the one that corresponds to the creation of the volume of the breast, is usually performed under general anesthesia.

Regarding the rest of the procedures, it will depend on the characteristics of the procedures, but some of them only need to be performed under local anesthesia and sedation or only with local anesthesia.
The intervention
There are different options for undergoing breast reconstruction. It is necessary that the patient know what they are and determine which is the most convenient.

The reconstructive surgeries performed after a mastectomy are several: with expanders and implants, using tissue from other parts of the body such as the abdomen or back, or with a wide dorsal flap, which uses techniques from both surgeries.

Similarly, it must be borne in mind that breast reconstructions are associated with complementary treatments that can be extended over 12 months. They are usually procedures to achieve the symmetry of the other breast or reconstruct the areola and nipple, among others.

gynecomastia surgery

what is gynecomastia?

the gynecomastia is a male disorder characterized by excessive development of breasts in men. this medical term comes from the greek and means "moms similar to those of women".

excess mammary gland in males can affect one or both breasts and usually occurs between 40% and 60% of the male population.

its appearance is very frequent during adolescence, although in a very high percentage of cases it disappears upon completion of development.

the consumption of certain substances or medicines can also cause gynecomastia in some men.
the causes of gynecomastia can be several, and there are some elements that can trigger it. contrary to what is usually thought is not linked to a greater presence of female hormones. there may be some associated pathology behind it or some disorder of the endocrine system. the intake of corticosteroids or testosterone may also be the origin of a gynecomastia in men.

most often, this disorder is caused by a hormonal imbalance due to a deficit of testosterone or excess progesterone, the consumption of anabolic or steroids or certain medications, an unbalanced diet or the application of radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

it is also linked to pathologies such as thyroid, kidney or liver diseases or obesity.

Types of gynecomastia

there are different types of gynecomastia depending on the degree of affectation and the damaged tissues.

the milder grades are those that present an increase in the barely perceptible breast with excess skin or without it. the most serious case is one in which, in addition to having excess skin, a large breast size can be seen.

gynecomastia is glandular when the affected tissue is the mammary gland. if it is due to an accumulation of fat, we will talk about gynecomastia fat. and, finally, mixed gynecomastia is when a combination of the previous two occurs.


the ideal candidate to undergo a gynecomastia correction is a healthy man, psychologically balanced, and who has completed his pubertal development. having an elastic and firm skin is a favorable element to achieve a better adaptation to the new body contour.

if you are overweight or obese, it is advisable to start a weight loss regimen beforehand.

eating habits should be healthy as well and it is not advisable to drink alcohol, drugs such as hashish or anabolics.
presenting too large breasts is for some men a problem that generates emotional instability.

fortunately, thanks to the aesthetic surgery that corrects gynecomastia, this disorder finds an easy and very effective solution.

gynecomastia in adolescents can also be treated once the young person finishes his development.

the change that is experienced in the appearance of the torso after a gynecomastia operation, returns confidence to those affected.

 Gynecomastia, benefits, risks and complications

The fact of having the two normal breasts gives a woman security that fully justifies this type of treatment.
the risks, although they exist, are justified by the recovery of the body image.
they depend a little on the chosen technique (diep, dorsal width, expansion, etc.)
they also exist, but the benefit / risk ratio is reasonable by choosing the surgeon well.
breast cancer and the use of its treatment justify the efforts of patients and surgeons to recover symmetry and body shape again.
each of the techniques of breast reconstruction has its risks. and they are very different in each case.

complications also vary with the technique, and it is best to explain them carefully in the consultation appointment. if you want more information, call us and we will dedicate all the time you need to help you make the best decision.

Face Rejuvenates

Gill Treatment: Rejuvenates and brightens your face

Age does not forgive. And our body is a sign of it, because various parts of it show the passage of time with the appearance of wrinkles, flaccidity, and sagging. One of those parts is the neck, in which if the fearsome dewlap appears, it takes youth, but its appearance may also indicate a problem of overweight. For 62% of Spaniards, having a double chin is one of the most worrying aesthetic problems, even above wrinkles or fine lines. With an effective treatment of the jowl this type of aesthetic problem can be corrected, and it will help you to feel much younger.

Did you know that 17% of Spaniards confess to having a double chin problem? So is. It is a fairly common problem among the population.

The alternatives that existed so far to correct a jowl problem were mainly surgical. Only if you went through the operating room, you could solve this aesthetic problem. Among the surgical treatments that are used to eliminate the double chin are lifting or liposuction, which are very effective treatments, but present the great inconvenience of having to go through the operating table. The fear of going through an operation meant that many people did not finish deciding to have this treatment.

But nowadays there are new treatments that, without needing to go through a surgical intervention, give an optimal solution to your chin problem.

Do you have a chin problem ? Do you recognize your problem but you are afraid to go through an operating room? Remove that fear from your head now! because I assure you that there is a solution for you without having to resort to the operating room. Fortunately, there are new treatments of the jowl without surgery with which effective results are obtained and in a non-invasive way .

You should be well informed about which cosmetic surgery clinics use these treatments without surgery and the effectiveness of these, because not everyone has the same ability to eliminate the double chin. Cosmetic Surgery Clinic is one of them, because it is committed to the most modern and least invasive techniques to obtain the best results. And in addition, they have more than 40 years of experience in aesthetic medicine treatments, being experts in jowl treatments.

But that's not all, because the Cosmetic Clinic is considered one of the best plastic surgery clinics in Madrid . In addition, you should know that:

He has many years of experience
Your cosmetic surgery interventions are known for their high quality
It has the Ruber guarantee of quality and results
First of all it takes into account the patient's health
He is also an expert in aesthetic medicine treatments such as lip augmentation and nasolabial fold, facial mesotherapy, Vistabel-Botox, laser skin aesthetics, and facelift without surgery.
If you consider that your face does not look like you would like it, because you have an unsightly dewlap and you would like to look younger, you should consider submitting yourself to a treatment of the jowls. If your excuse is the fear of going through the operating room, do not worry! because now you know that at the Doctor
Let us begin!

What is the gill?

The double chin is the zone located in the neck, under the chin, that appears by a fat accumulation located in that zone. It has a more or less visible fold shape and blurs the facial oval.

The appearance of the double chin is an aesthetic problem that produces facial aging, which makes us look less attractive and look older. Therefore, it is one of the problems that most concern today. In fact, a study conducted by the Allergan laboratory states that " 62% of Spaniards say that the double chin is among their three main aesthetic concerns"

The treatment of the double chin is one of the most demanded!

Types of Gill
You can distinguish two types of jowls:

The double chin due to excess adipose tissue (fat):
It is the most common type among overweight people. This type of jowl is more visible, when the person suffering from it lowers the lower jaw, appearing the typical wrinkle or double chin.

The dewlap due to sagging or excess skin:
It is very common among people who have thinned very sharply, among the elderly because they have weaker muscles, genetics or the shape of the face, as is the case of people with a very marked jaw, an angular face and a long neck

Causes of the double chin
The jowls usually appear after 30 years, both in men and women. It appears in a large part of people. The causes are usually varied, and among them are:

The aging
The overweight
By genetic predisposition
For a sudden loss of weight
Gill Treatment
It is very common to eliminate the double chin recommended to make a diet low in fat, but in reality, diets are usually not an optimal solution to eliminate this aesthetic problem . This is because your body identifies that area as energy storage, so it will consume energy from other areas before that. The same goes for people who lose weight suddenly, they can lose kilos, but the jowls usually remain present.

In spite of this, it is advisable to carry out a diet while performing some aesthetic treatment to reduce the chin.

Nor is the usual performance of physical exercise usually effective to eliminate jowls. However much exercise you do you can lose fat from other areas, but from the double chin, it will be quite difficult for this to happen. The jowl is usually resistant to physical exercise.

Therefore, to eliminate the double chin is no choice but to resort to aesthetic treatments. Thanks to the advancement of technology, nowadays you can count on different very effective aesthetic treatments to eliminate this problem. The choice of one type of treatment or another depends on the type of jowl you have.

Types of gill treatment
There are two types:

Treatments with surgery:
For these treatments it is necessary to apply anesthesia, incisions are made to remove the fat located under the chin, shorten the muscles under your chin, and then perform a sewing. This type of treatments are very effective because they manage to eliminate the double chin in its entirety and little time, but they have the disadvantage that you need to go through the operating room.

Treatments without surgery
These treatments are the latest trend and are getting to displace those who do need surgery. More and more aesthetic clinics are betting on them. The reason for this is very clear, since by not needing surgery they are less invasive, and increasingly achieve very efficient results . Treatments without surgery there are several but some are more efficient than others.

Now you can eliminate your jowl without surgery!

For whom is the treatment of double chin indicated?
The treatment of the jowls is indicated for people normally over 30 years old, whether men or women, who show a crease under the chin that makes them look older.

What are the most effective treatments without surgery?
As we have mentioned before, there are different non-invasive treatments to eliminate jowls, such as radiofrequency, facial mesotherapy, or cavitation, but the effectiveness of one or the other is not the same.

 You will feel young again!

The discomfort that produces are minimal
The treatment is ambulatory
It offers good results
Each session is of short duration, between 15 to 20 minutes
Benefits of facial regeneration treatment
It is a definitive treatment to eliminate the double chin
It does not have the risks derived from going through a surgical intervention
Its economic cost is quite small
Outpatient process, hospital admission is not necessary
The body itself removes fat gradually
The discomfort generated is very mild to be a minimally invasive treatment
It is an easy and fast treatment to administer
In short, today there are very effective treatments to solve the aesthetic problem of the jowl without having to resort to the operating room . Therefore, if you are tired of looking at yourself in the mirror and not liking yourself for your double chin problem, you already know that you have very effective treatments without surgery to solve it.